Step Into the Frame — Get Out from Behind the Lens! Family Session Giveaway {Kailua Hawaii Family and Child Photographer}

I’m hesitant to call this a giveaway or a contest or anything of the sort (although it is). I’d rather call it an inspiration…

So, I read a blog post this morning from a fellow photographer that had me stopping in my tracks.

After reading her blog post this morning, I actually took a look around my house (and cried). I realized that I am in only TWO of the photos that adorn my walls. And, being a crazy photographer, there are pictures everywhere! I have to say, I am a little embarrassed. So, I booked an appointment with one of my favorite photographers here on Oahu for a shoot once my husband returns in a little under a month (yippee!) and have made a promise to myself to get out from behind the lens more often. These are the moments I will treasure in the years to come!

I sent her a little note and, with her permission, will be challenging all of the moms out there to get out from behind the lens and place themselves in front of the camera and INTO the moments that pass all too quickly!

Step Into the Frame!

Please take a minute to read Meg Borders’ post called Step Into the Frame. You can find it here at

I’m really opposed to out and out copying other photographers, but I really can’t say it any more beautifully than she already has. Also, I want everyone to know that I was inspired by someone else and a gesture made by another. Kind of like Pay it Forward… Hopefully, this will inspire another mom out there to get out from behind the lens and Step Into the Frame. Isn’t she amazing, folks? Really, I want to be her when I grow up…

In my own way, I’d like to contribute a little bit to one mom out there and help her get out from Behind the Lens. I’ll be giving away one full family session. The whole enchilada. The session, the consultation, the digital collection. The entire Sunshine Soul Experience. 🙂

Please send an email to jennifer@sunshinesoulphotography with a short meandering or video of why you haven’t been out from behind the lens and what’s been holding you back! Entries/posts must be received NO LATER THAN Friday, March 29th to be considered. The lucky mom will be announced here on my blog on April 1st.

I encourage you to also blog or post your entry. Be sure to tag me in your post and let’s encourage moms all over the world to Step Into the Frame and get out from behind the lens!

Please share this and help spread the word to moms everywhere!

With Aloha,

Jen Buchanan
Sunshine Soul Photography
Kailua, Hawaii Family and Child Photographer



I drew TWO names who will be receiving the entire Sunshine Soul Photography experience! Thanks for submitting your entries and I will definitely be doing another drawing in this series later in the year. I think it is so important for mommies to get out from behind the camera and Step Into the Frame!!

Thanks again to Meg for her inspiration for me to do the same and get some photos of me and mine, as well as offer this to a deserving mommy and her family. 🙂