More About Me – Why Sunshine Soul Photography?

Why Sunshine Soul Photography?

I often get asked why my company is named Sunshine Soul Photography and what brought me to this point in my life.

I was the girl who always had the camera around her neck, even at a very young age. It all started with my very first Polaroid and continued to grow from there.

Like a lot of other momtographers out there, having my own children really was the inspiration behind my photography. When my son was born, I needed a better camera to really capture those precious moments that pass by all too quickly. Then, I needed an even faster one so I could catch that perfect smile and his little toddling walk. When my son was born, he brightened my soul with every little thing he did and truly brought so much sunshine into our lives.

My kiddos are my inspiration — they bring sunshine to my soul and are the reason behind my photography. 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day to all the other mommies out there who are truly blessed to have their little sunshines.

Jen Buchanan
Sunshine Soul Photography
Kailua, Oahu Family & Child Photographer