I just came back from a couple of weeks in Vegas. It was chock full of learning more about being a senior portrait photographer and the business of senior portrait photography! It was an incredible experience joining in with some of the most amazing senior portrait photographers in the industry and shooting and learning alongside them! I can’t wait to bring back some of the knowledge and incorporate it into my upcoming senior sessions.
Here are a few from the shoot I did with Seniorologie at the Luxe in Las Vegas 2014 event.

Kailua, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer Jennifer-Buchanan-Sunshine-Soul-Photography-Seniorologie-Luxeinlasvegas2014, Hawaii Senior Portraits
If you’d like to get your senior photos taken with Aloha and have an amazing experience with the Sunshine Soul Photography team, contact us today! If you want to see some of the fun and BTS action, check us out on instagram at @sunshinesoulphotography!
Jen Buchanan
Jen Buchanan
Sunshine Soul Photography
Kailua Hawaii Photographer
Windward Oahu